Tuesday 7 October 2014

Jom Belajar Inggeris sikit-sikit... We will learn about Animal Migration.

Animal migration
Why do animals migrate? 

Animal migrate with the change of the weather and the seasons. They migrate to find warmer weather, better food supplies, or a safe place to give birth to their young one.

How do animals know when and where to migrate? 

Different signals such as a change in weather, the length of the days, or the availability of food may signal to the animals that it is time to move. As to how they know which direction to go scientists aren't sure. Many think that animals know where to migrate to when they are born. Scientists say they learn this ''genetically'' from their parents. It is also called instinct.

How do they find their way? 

Animals don't have the internet, GPS, or even maps to find their destination, yet each year they manage to find their wau across thousands of miles of land and sea. Different animals have adapted different ways of navigating the Earth. Some animals use the Sun and the stars to figure out the correct direction. Other animals use wind patterns or landmarks such as mountains, rivers and lakes. Still other animals may use an extra sense that allows them use the magnetic field of the Earth to know which direction to go. It is amazing what animals can do!!

Animals that Migrate 

Below are some examples of animals that migrate across the land, air, and sea.

Migrations on the land
  • Caribou - Caribou live in the snowy tundra of the far north. In North America they migrate each spring to the northern coast where they birth their calves in the summer. When fall arrives they migrate back south to below the Arctic Circle. Some caribou herds migrate as far as 3,500 miles traveling as much as 35 miles per day.
  • Zebras and wildebeest - Each year the zebra and wildebeest herds of the African savannah migrate in a giant clockwise circle. They are constantly moving. This giant circle follows the rainy seasons when food in certain areas is plentiful.
Migrations in the air
  • Arctic terns - Arctic terns make the longest migration of any animal in the world. Every six months they travel from the northern Arctic all the way across the planet to Antarctica. Then back again six months later. The roundtrip distance is close to 50,000 miles! Fortunately, terns are strong and fast flying birds. They can make the trip in about 40 days.
  • Canadian geese - Each year Canadian geese fly south for the winter to avoid the winter freeze of lakes and ponds. Then they return to the north for the summer where they breed and nest. Geese are known for their V formation when they fly. This helps them to save energy and allows them to fly up to 600 miles in a single day.
Migrations in the water
  • Gray whales - Gray whales migrate between the cold northern waters of the Bering Sea in the summer, and the warmer waters of Baja California in the winter. They give birth to their calves over the winter and then head north again at the start of spring. They travel around 5,000 to 6,000 miles.
  • Salmon - Salmon have a unique round trip migration that they make once during their lifetime. When they are born they hatch from an egg in fresh water. Then they grow and eventually swim downriver and live the majority of their lives in the ocean. When it is time for them to spawn, they return to where they were born to lay eggs. Soon after laying eggs, they die. Some salmon migrate hundreds of miles up river. The Chinook salmon swim 900 miles up river and climb nearly 7,000 feet of altitude when making their migration home.

Let's watch amazing animals migration video
Fun Facts about Animal Migrations

  • Many animals prepare for migration by storing up energy reserves and even exercising certain muscles so they will be strong enough to make the trip.
  • The average arctic tern will travel the equivalent of going around the Earth 60 times in their lifetime.
  • Birds save energy and are able to travel great distances by riding the air currents.
  • Male and female walruses migrate in separate herds.
  • Sea turtles migrate back to the same beach where they were born to lay their eggs.
  • Emperor penguins, who are excellent swimmers, walk across 125 miles of ice each year to the place where they birth their chicks.
  • Migrating flocks of European white storks can get so long they can stretch for lengths of up to 125 miles long.

Wednesday 1 October 2014


Qana'ah pada bahasa ialah al-rida atau al-qabul, iaitu reda dan menerima, Dalam istilah lain Qana'ah ialah sifat merasa cukup dengan apa yang kita ada. Sifat qana'ah ialah sifat terpuji yang sangat dituntut untuk diterapkan dalam diri individu Muslim. Semua manusia ada kelebihan masing-masing, Kita tidak perlu merasa iri hati dengan kelebihan orang lain . Cuba fikirkan balik, ada tak sifat qana'ah dalam diri kita atau kita sentiasa berasa 'Wah, cantiknya orang itu. Tidak seperti diriku yang hanya biasa-biasa sahaja,'' Ya, Allah kalaulah aku ni senang seperti si polan bin si polan,' Kita dituntut untuk melihat orang yang kurang bernasib baik berbanding kita. Dengan itu sifat qana'ah boleh ditanam dalam diri kita. Orang yang bersifat qana'ah tidak akan sekali-kali meminta kepada orang lain untuk menyara kehidupan mereka walaupun mereka hidup dalam kesusahan . Terdapat hadis yang melarang umat Islam meminta-minta kepada manusia lain kerana sifat ini menjatuhkan maruah mereka sebagai manusia mulia di sisi Allah :  
عن سفيان صخر بن حرب رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "لا تلحفوا في المسألة, فوالله لا يسألني أحد منكم شيئا, فتخرج له مسألته مني شيئا وأنا له كاره, فيبارك له فيما أعطيته" ه 

Maksud: Sufyan dari 'Amru dari Wahb bin Munabbih dari sudaranya Hammam dari Mu'awiyah ia berkata; Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Janganlah kamu meminta-minta dengan mendesak. Demi Allah! Tidak seorang pun jua yang meminta kepadaku, yang tidak kupenuhi permintaannya. Tetapi seorang yang kuberi dengan hati enggan, maka ia tidak akan diberkati dalam pemberian itu."

Sifat qana'ah digandingkan dengan sifat syukur.

Pasti para pembaca dah tahu apa itu sifat syukur... kan... 
Sifat Qana'ah dengan sifat syukur  sangat sesuai digandingkan bersama sementelah qana'ah bermaksud reda dengan apa yang dimiliki manakala syukur bermaksud mengiktiraf terhadap orang yang memberi nikmat dan memujinya.

Walaupun kita dituntut untuk bersifat qana'ah dalam hidup kita, tetapi bab beribadah dan pelajaran kita perlu melihat orang yang lebih baik dan lebih cemerlang daripada kita sebagai motivasi untuk kita terus berusaha menjadi orang yang lebih berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.

Marilah kita terus beramal dan berjihad melawan hawa nafsu.

GO,,,GO... MUSLIM, YeAH !!!